Best of Show!

Tom and Barbara Geagan with "Grace", their 1928 Phaeton

48th Annual New England Meet

Hosted by the Model A Restorers Club of Massachusetts (MARCOM) at The Sea Crest Resort in North Falmouth (Cape Cod), Massachusetts

by Doug Linden

To quote old Lawrence Welk, the show was "Wunerful - Wunerful." Yes, the New England Meet is over and was it ever a huge success. And the weather...you couldn’t have asked for anything better. The hurricanes stayed away, making it a sunny weekend right on the beach. This was undoubtedly the largest New England Meet ever held, with 265 registrations and well over 550 people attending. There is no question, the Cape Cod location sure added to the popularity, as evidence,  there were folks registered from California, Texas and Georgia and yes, they drove their Model A’s. If fact the California car was 7000 miles into their trip and were fresh from Newfoundland. And they still had to drive back to the West Coast.

People started arriving as early as Monday, but the official events kicked off with a Thursday night Dinner/Dance. Since so many attendees had arrived by Thursday, MARCOM (the hosts) added this event to schedule. By Friday the parking lot was jammed full of Model A’s and what a sight it was. The Raffle Room was in full swing and members were seen dropping tickets for the items that caught their fancy. Friday night was an old fashion turkey dinner, complete with music for dancing and a comedian who did some old fashion jokes that had the audience laughing.

Saturday morning it was the Grand Tour to the Heritage Plantation for a New England Clam Bake. The tour was beautiful, following the beautiful coast line and by picturesque Nobska Lighthouse. The sight of all the Model A’s on the field was sure something to see. It was time to vote for your favorite cars and boy there were some beautiful ones to chose from. Next came the clambake which created a long line of people anxious to get there twin lobster dinner. Yup two lobsters each. Included in the day was admission to Heritage Plantation and the great car museum, which was thoroughly enjoyed.

Saturday afternoon was spent on the beach at the Sea Crest Resort. It was great to walk the beach, watching the wind surfers, and just enjoying sitting on the deck with friends.  Saturday night was a deli style buffet dinner, complete with a band for dancing. Again it was a fun evening.

Sunday morning it was time for the awards brunch and drawing of the raffle prizes. First was the brunch, and was it ever great! Plenty of great food.  Next, came the awards, for all the classes. we all listened to the politely as the trophies were given, BUT when they announced that one of our own, Tom Geagan won the coveted best of show the Minuteman group made lots of noise. Tom and Barbara were in shock...it was his first showing of the car.

Next it was the raffle prizes and the Minuteman members won their share of the raffle...but by far the most excitement came when they called the winning number of the 50/50 Raffle and our own Bucky Silvestrone jumped up in disbelief when his number was called.

In the end, we counted up approximately 60 Minuteman members in attendance and probably 35 Model As from our club.  There were only a few "casualties" from the trip including Aldie Johnson's Mail Truck which we think blew a head gasket at the end of the ride to North Falmouth.  Gary Hoyt was returning from the clambake at Heritage Plantation in his '31 Coupe when he noticed his left hand rear wheel passing him on the left!  Fortunately nobody got hurt and Gary describes the damage to the car as "minimal".  Apparently, some of the wheel studs became loose and the lug nuts worked their way off the wheel.  Tour Director Dick O'Brien ran out of gas and had to be towed to a filling station by the Lindens.  The gas gauge read "0" but Dick apparently thought the gauge was a little "off".  Barbara seemed to recognize what the "0" meant though because she said that she reminded Dick a couple of times he was "getting low on gas". This was the second time that Dick's woody has run out of gas this Summer.

With that, the meet ended and everyone was looking forward to next years show on Long Island, New York.

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