Members Cars

(always under construction)  Are you a club member and is you car or one of your cars not listed here? email a picture and description to the webmaster.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size picture


Long day at the car show.  

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  Wayne & Sue Champagne

1931 SW Cabriolet

Dick & Barbara O'Brien

1929 Station Wagon

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Wayne & Sue Champagne

1931 Sedan

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Wayne & Sue Champagne

1931 Station Wagon

Dick & Barbara O'Brien

1931 Roadster Pickup

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Dick & Barbara O'Brien

1930 Deluxe Coupe

Shelly Kaptain
1931 SW Sedan
Bryant Page 1929 Roadster "Jitta Box"
Shelly Kaptain

1929 Pickup

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Peter Kaptain

1931 Coupe

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Bob & Janice Wright

1931 Closed Cab Pickup "Oakie"

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Bob & Janice Wright

1931 SW Town Sedan "Tootsie"

Dick & Mazie Stitt

1930 Deluxe Roadster

Dick & Mazie Stitt

1931 Cabriolet

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Jack Stokinger & Jo Johnson

1930 Cabriolet

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Doug & Nan Linden

1931 Murray bodied Fordor

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John & Shirley Jacobson

Standard Roadster

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John & Shirley Jacobson

1930 Fordor Sedan

Dick Berry 1930 Deluxe Coupe DBerryCoupe.jpg (44371 bytes) Dick Berry 1931 Deluxe Roadster

Jack & Pam Bickel

1929 Station Wagon BickWoodie.jpg (19710 bytes)

Jack & Pam Bickel

1931 Deluxe Tudor bickel car.jpg (68587 bytes)
Jack Low

1929 Fordor Leatherback "Bessie"

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Kathy Low

1929 Roadster "Mabel"

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Jo Johnson

1929 Sport Coupe

Bucky Silvestrone

1930 Roadster

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Ed Henderson

1930 Roadster "Hazel"

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Frank & Dottie Buckley

1931 Deluxe Roadster

Jim True

1931 AA truck "Ruby Light"

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Gene Tallone

1930 Fordor

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Dave Clark

1931 SW sedan

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Bruce Marshall 1930 Coupe "Thelma"

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Bruce Marshall

1930 Cabriolet

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Gene & Dolores Ervin

1931 Deluxe Roadster

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Tom Snow

1929 Roadster

Gene & Dolores Ervin

1929 Station Wagon

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Mike Doyle

1930 Closed Cab Pickup

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Dave Carlson 1930 Sedan

Bob Scarno

1931 Deluxe Coupe

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Peter & Janice MacDonald

1931 SW Cabriolet

Peter & Janice MacDonald

1931 Victoria

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Bill & Irene Allen

1930 Closed Cab Pickup

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Bill & Irene Allen

1930 Roadster

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Tony Smith

1930 Tudor "Bertha"

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David Willens

1930 Closed Cab Pickup (more pics)

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Ed & Joyce Croci

1930 Coupe

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Bob Kellner

1929 Sport Coupe

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Tom Zappala

1931 Deluxe Phaeton

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Tom Zappala

1930 Station Wagon

John Pierce 1931 wide bed pickup

John Pierce

1931 Coupe

John Pierce

1931 Standard Roadster

Bob & Diane Gedney

1929 Fordor

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Ralph Parks

1930 Deluxe Roadster

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Doug & Bob Priore

1929 Fordor Sedan


Clyde Kelton

1930 Sedan (original unrestored)

Dick Krug

1931 Coupe

Rick Gadbois 1930 Cabriolet

Tom Snow

1929 Roadster

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Harold Legge

1929 Roadster Pickup

Harold Legge

1930 Deluxe Coupe "Louise"

Larry & Joan Benjamin

1928 Roadster Pickup

Skip Dunham

1931 Coupe

Roy & Helen Johnson

1930 Deluxe Coupe

Ed & Pat Quirk

1931 S/W sedan

Craig & Karen Martin

1931 Roadster

Gus Waldron 1931 Tudor

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Jack Stokinger

1930 AA truck

Gary Hoyt 1931 Coupe

Ray Renner

1930 Coupe

Ed Wlodyka 1930 Coupe

Harold Samuels 1930 Briggs Town Sedan   Aldie & Wilma Johnson

1931 Mail Truck

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Gene & Joyce Bunce 1931 Deluxe Coupe   Gene & Joyce Bunce 1930 Phaeton
Kay Guild 1931 Deluxe Roadster   Gene & Joyce Bunce 1931 S/W Cabriolet goldberg_cab.jpg (68140 bytes)
Tom & Barbara Geagan 1928 Phaeton "Grace"   Arthur & Lorraine Dion 1930 Tudor Sedan
Bill Sutcliffe 1930 Pickup Truck   Jim Hickey 1931 SW Sedan
Bill & Mary Lyons 1929 Sport Coupe   Gene Laks 1929 Fordor sedan
John Roberson 1930 ??   Dave & Leslie Robbins 1931 A400 Convertible Sedan
Guy Morse 1928 AR Roadster   Dick & Mazie Stitt 1931 SW Sedan
John & Dottie Freeman  

1931 Closed Cab Pickup

  Art & Pat Callan 1929 Tudor
Arthur Hughes 1929 Blindback Sedan AHughesBlindback.jpg (43791 bytes)   Boy and A 1931
Tony Zeoli 1930 Town Sedan        


This page last updated:  December 22, 2009