49th Annual New England Meet

Smithtown, New York (Long Island) - September 23, 24 and 25, 2005


49th Annual New England Meet

by Doug Linden

Photos by Bruce Marshall and Wayne Champagne

The meet is now history, but for the fifteen Minuteman families that attended the meet, it will live on in pleasant memories. The Model A Club of Long Island was the host club this year and was held in Smithtown, NY. at the Sheraton Hotel. Most of us arrived on Friday, but for those arriving on Thursday, self guided tours were available during the day and I heard a great dessert bar was set up Thursday evening. For the rest of us arriving Friday, there was the usual getting settled and meeting friends from other clubs. We also had to get ready for the welcome party, which had a "Roaring 20s" theme. Many of the guests attended wearing some kind of twenties attire and it sure looked great.

Saturday morning was the Mandatory Tour. One hundred seventy (170) Model As were lined up and were given directions for the drive. We traveled about thirty (30) miles to Old Westbury Gardens at the Phipps Mansion. All the Model As on display, the Mansion and gardens, and the spectacular weather made for a great day.

The Model A Hubley derby was in the afternoon and our own Nan Linden and Sue Champagne had entries. Unfortunately neither came in first, but Sue made a good effort. The Saturday banquet was very nice, with great food and an excellent band. Another night of dancing was enjoyed by all. And the Model A Mailbox centerpieces were very hot items. Sunday morning was the Awards Brunch. The Model A awards were given out to some very nice cars in their classes. It was on to the raffle prizes next...and the first prize awarded was the $2.7 Million (potential) lottery treasure chest. Guess who...Bucky and Josie won, let’s hope all the scratching they have to do will pay off. The Minuteman Club won its' share of prizes...you’ll have to ask Nan Linden and Janice Wright about their winnings. The meet ended with well wishes to all, then it was a mad dash for many to the ferry for the trip home.














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